Full Potential Living - The Official Blog of Amoskeag Chiropractic & Amherst Family Chiropractic

Are You Normal People?

Posted: July 30, 2011
By: Dr Alissa

Sadly, this is the reality of “health care” in this country, for the most part. I use “health care” loosely as we do not have such a system that exists; we have a SICK care system in place. As a majority, this nation has the following belief system: wait for crisis (pain, disease, organ failure etc) THEN take action with addressing it. It’s a reactive, not a pro-active or preventative approach. Our SICK-care system operates on this basic premise: in order for you to even take your Blue Cross and Blue Shield card out of your wallet, you’re waiting for there to be a problem! Then off we go to see our medical professional who will listen to our symptoms, treat us according to our symptoms (“Hey doc, just make the pain go away, I don‘t care what‘s causing it“), give us a diagnosis, and more times than not, a prescription (or multiple). We are electing to allow for problems; pain, sickness, disease to set and fester into our bodies before we take action on it, does this sound like “health” care to you? As a country we are waiting for crisis in order to action, to regain and restore what has already been lost!

Then the “solution” is: swallowing down a bunch of pills, go get physical therapy (maybe), get injections, nerve blocks, or if all else fails just cut some parts out. Wow. Do you honestly think a prescription for your migraine, or that pain killer for your low back pain made you any healthier? Did it address the CAUSE of your symptoms? Does it have a GPS inside of it to tell it to travel just to where your head hurts or does that pill circulate through your entire body? It goes everywhere! So is that migraine medication good for all your other organs? NO! What happens to all of your other healthy/asymptomatic (pain free) organs if then have to break down and metabolize something that isn’t intended for it? Other problems will arise eventually, that is what this cartoon is talking about!

So what’s the solution? Go back to our medical professional to get another prescription and repeat this entire process. This is an illustration of insanity. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Don’t be insane, start taking ownership of your health and make better decisions. So in order for us to have a different outcome, we need to change our belief system; we need to change what we believe in, in order to take action. Think about it and take responsibility for your health, YOU are the one who gets to make the choices about what you eat, what you do, if you get adjusted, if you exercise, etc. What choices are you making?

“Whatever you do, you must remain nimble in your thinking. Do not become so attached to any one belief that you cannot see past it to another possibility.”  -Christopher Paolini

Yours In Health,

Dr. Alissa